Send SMS Using Batch Class in Salesforce
Que: Integrate SMS Functionality in salesforce using batch Class Requirement: Send Sms to user if user has birthday today. Solution: Fristly Create a batch class and schedule this class every day //Note: you need to create Custom Setting for Username password sender id and etc //and also Add Url in Remote Site Setting global class ClassName implements Database.Batchable<Sobject>,Database.AllowsCallouts { List<Contact> lstofContactBirthdate = new List<Contact>(); static CustomSettingName__c objCS = CustomSettingName__c.getOrgDefaults();// Custom setting List<string> lstofSMSString; //Get date and Month from Today Date Date currentdate = system.Today(); Integer TodayDay = currentdate.Day(); Integer TodayMonth = currentdate.month(); String CurrentDayandMonth = TodayDay+'/'+TodayMonth; ...