Update Contact Mailing Address with Account Billing Address on Custom Button
Requirement: On Account Detail Page is there is a Custom Button named Copy Address, When We click on this button then Billing Address of Account record is updated in all Contacts of that Account in Mailing Address. Solution : There are 3 solution 1) First one is write the trigger and invoke at custom button 2) Call javascript code on Custom Button 3) Invoke Web service on Custom Button. I am explaining 3rd . Firstly Create a Apex Class: Class Name : UpdateContactAddress global class UpdateContactAddress { webservice static String processDetails(String accID){ List<Account> lstacc =[select id,BillingCity,BillingCountry,BillingState from Account where ID =:accID limit 1]; system.debug('acc====='+lstacc); List<Contact> lstofcont =[select id ,MailingCity,MailingCountry,MailingState,MailingPostalCode,MailingStreet from contact wh...