
Showing posts from March 29, 2023

number of Saturdays between those 2 dates. Create formula field

FLOOR(( End_Date__c -  Start_Date__c )/7) + IF(OR (WEEKDAY(Start_Date__c )=7, WEEKDAY(End_Date__c )=7, WEEKDAY(Start_Date__c )>WEEKDAY(End_Date__c )),1,0) If you want the number of Sundays: FLOOR(( End_Date__c -  Start_Date__c )/7) + IF(OR (WEEKDAY(Start_Date__c )=1, WEEKDAY(End_Date__c )=1, WEEKDAY(Start_Date__c )>WEEKDAY(End_Date__c )),1,0) This is easily changed for any day of the week. You only need to change the "WEEKDAY" number (1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, etc) in this part: WEEKDAY(Start_Date__c )=1, WEEKDAY(End_Date__c )=1

What is Saml and Oauth and Authentication flow in salesforce

Difference between SAML and OAuth Overview of SAML 1. The user makes a request to for a specific resource. 2. detects the user needs to authenticate and redirects the user to their SAML Identity Provider. 3. The user accesses their IdP and authenticates. 4. Once authenticated, the IDP sends a SAML Response back to 5. processes the SAML assertion and logs the user in. Overview of OAuth 1. The OAuth Client makes an authorization request. 2. The Authorization Server authenticates the user. 3. The user authorizes the application. 4. The application is issued an OAuth token. Difference between Web server OAuth flow, User agent flow OAuth Authentication flow and Username-Password OAuth Authentication flow Web server OAuth flow  Typically used for web applications where server-side code needs to interact with APIs on the user’s behalf, for example DocuSign. Trust that the web server is secure to protect the consumer secret. Client ap...