Show Custom And Standard Object
ShowCustomAndStandardObject Requirement: Create two custom pick list field . first picklist contains the the three values" All, Custom, Standard" when user select "All" then in the second picklist show all custom and standard object, and when user select "custom" the custom object filter and same for "standard". And After that click on "show filed" button then all field of selected object appear in table. and User can select the fields and click on "query button" the generate query in string form. <!--ShowCustomAndStandardObject--> Create Visualforce page <apex:page controller="clsCustStandObj"> <meta name="google-translate-customization" content="afb3859aeab26f11-8390680e6d2f19bf-g71f10bf08db6379c-15"></meta> <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script type="text/javascript"> function googleTranslateElementInit() ...