WAT if the owner of an account is changed then the owner of the related contacts should also be updated.
Account Trigger ============================================ trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after update) { Set<ID> accountId = new Set<ID>(); if(Trigger.IsAfter && Trigger.IsUpdate){ for(Account objAcc : trigger.new){ if(trigger.oldMap.containsKey(objAcc.id)){ if(trigger.oldMap.get(objAcc.id).OwnerId != objAcc.OwnerId){ accountId.add(objAcc.Id); } } } if(accountId != null && accountId.size() > 0 ){ AccountTriggerHandler.UpdateOwnerofContact(Trigger.newMap, accountId); } } } ============================================ AccountTriggerHandler Class public with sharing class AccountTriggerHandler { public static void UpdateOwnerofContact(Map<Id,Account>accountMap,Set<id>accountId){ List<...