Fetch Custom Setting Value in Apex
Requirement : Disable the Apex trigger using custom setting: Solution : Create Custom setting: SetUp>> Custom Setting >> New Create Custom setting and create a check Box field with name On_Off__c public class ClassName { public void onAfterUpdate(list<SOBJECT> triggerNew, map<id,SOBJECT> triggerNewMap, map<id,SOBJECT> triggerOldMap) { // Write the Custom setting if On_Off__c = true then trigger method will be excute List<CustomSetting__C> cstriggerOnOff = CustomSetting__C.getall().values(); if(cstriggerOnOff != null && cstriggerOnOff .size()>0){ if(cstriggerOnOff [0].On_Off__c == true) { MethodName(triggerNew, triggerNewMap, triggerOldMap); } } } private void MethodName(list<SOBJECT> triggerNew,map<id,SOBJECT> triggerNewMap,map<id,SOBJECT> ...