Show Pagination and Colum Sorting on VF page using Jquery Plugin
Requirement: To show Account record in table form on VF page and user able to paginate pages and sort the column: Solution: Using Jquery Plugin you can directly implement pagination and column Sorting Download Jquery Plugin : Add data table zip file in Static Resource Class Code: public class AccountController { public List<Account> lstofacc{get;Set;} public AccountController () { lstofacc = new List<Account>([select id,AccountNo, name from account]); } } Page Code: <apex:page controller=" AccountController " sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false" docType="html-5.0" tabStyle="Account"> <head> <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.DataTable,'DataTable/datatables.min.css')}" /> <apex:stylesheet value=...