Send Pdf Using Visualforce Email Template
Requirement: Suppose you have a Object(Invoice__c) Record , There is isSend Checkbox field , When
isSend = true then email goes to Admin user with Pdf Attachment. In Pdf there in Object Data and Related Child data in Table.
Solution : For this you have two solution 1) Create a future call out class and write a trigger ,
In future class u can get pdfcontent
2) Using visualforce Email Template
I m explaining Second one.
We need to create Custom Component.
Setup>> Develop>> Component>> New
Component Name: GenrateInvoiceComponent
and Create a Class GenrateInvoiceComponentController
Step 1: Create a Class GenrateInvoiceComponentController
GenrateInvoiceComponentController Class Code Example
public class GenrateInvoiceComponentController
public string InvoiceID{get;set;} // this invoice will come from Url
Public List<InvoiceLineItem> lstofChildRecortd{get;set;}
public string GenrateInvoiceComponentController
if(InvoiceID != null)
lstofChildRecortd =[Select id, InvoiceID__C,Name,Unit Price, QUANTITY,Amount from InvoiceLineItem where InvoiceID__C =:InvoiceID]
return '';
Step 2
Component Code: Name: GenrateInvoiceComponent
<apex:component controller="GenrateInvoiceComponentController" access="global">
<apex:attribute name="strInvoiceId" assignTo="{!InvoiceID}" type="string" description="Id of invoice" />
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td> Unit Price</td>
<td> QUANTITY</td>
<td> Amount</td>
<apex:repeat var="objRec" value="{!lstofChildRecortd}" rendered="{!IF(lstofChildRecortd != null,true,false)}" >
<td> {!objRec.Unit Price}</td>
<td> {!objRec.QUANTITY}</td>
<td> {!objRec.Amount}</td>
Step 3-4 Now you need to create a VF page and its controller
VFpage Name: InvoiceTypePdf
Class Name: InvoiceTypePdfController
Step :3
Create InvoiceTypePdfController Class code
public class InvoiceTypePdfController{
public string InvoiceID
return ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
Step :4
Create InvoiceTypePdf VF page code
VF page code:
<apex:page controller="InvoiceTypePdfController" renderAs="pdf">
// Below is component which one I created
// "strInvoiceId" this name should be same as attribute name in component above
<c:GenrateInvoiceComponent strInvoiceId="{!InvoiceID}">
Step 5 : Need to create VF EMail Template
Setup>> Email Template>> New>> Visualforce Email Template
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Detail About Invoice" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Invoice__c">
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
Dear Sir/Madam<br/><br/>
Annexed please find your order invoice.<br/><br/>
• <b>Invoice Name </b>- {!relatedto.Name} <br/>
Please feel free for any other assistance.<br/><br/><br/>
Thank You<br/>
<messaging:attachment filename="Invoice.pdf" renderAs="pdf" >
<c:GenrateInvoiceComponent strInvoiceId="{!}" >
</c:GenrateInvoiceComponent >
Step 6: Create a Workflow and Chose condition when On Invoice object isSend == true then Send Email to ADmin user with Selected VF Email Template
Note: In case of any issue please feel free ask to me
Sumit Shukla
isSend = true then email goes to Admin user with Pdf Attachment. In Pdf there in Object Data and Related Child data in Table.
Solution : For this you have two solution 1) Create a future call out class and write a trigger ,
In future class u can get pdfcontent
2) Using visualforce Email Template
I m explaining Second one.
We need to create Custom Component.
Setup>> Develop>> Component>> New
Component Name: GenrateInvoiceComponent
and Create a Class GenrateInvoiceComponentController
Step 1: Create a Class GenrateInvoiceComponentController
GenrateInvoiceComponentController Class Code Example
public class GenrateInvoiceComponentController
public string InvoiceID{get;set;} // this invoice will come from Url
Public List<InvoiceLineItem> lstofChildRecortd{get;set;}
public string GenrateInvoiceComponentController
if(InvoiceID != null)
lstofChildRecortd =[Select id, InvoiceID__C,Name,Unit Price, QUANTITY,Amount from InvoiceLineItem where InvoiceID__C =:InvoiceID]
return '';
Step 2
Component Code: Name: GenrateInvoiceComponent
<apex:component controller="GenrateInvoiceComponentController" access="global">
<apex:attribute name="strInvoiceId" assignTo="{!InvoiceID}" type="string" description="Id of invoice" />
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td> Unit Price</td>
<td> QUANTITY</td>
<td> Amount</td>
<apex:repeat var="objRec" value="{!lstofChildRecortd}" rendered="{!IF(lstofChildRecortd != null,true,false)}" >
<td> {!objRec.Unit Price}</td>
<td> {!objRec.QUANTITY}</td>
<td> {!objRec.Amount}</td>
Step 3-4 Now you need to create a VF page and its controller
VFpage Name: InvoiceTypePdf
Class Name: InvoiceTypePdfController
Step :3
Create InvoiceTypePdfController Class code
public class InvoiceTypePdfController{
public string InvoiceID
return ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
Step :4
Create InvoiceTypePdf VF page code
VF page code:
<apex:page controller="InvoiceTypePdfController" renderAs="pdf">
// Below is component which one I created
// "strInvoiceId" this name should be same as attribute name in component above
<c:GenrateInvoiceComponent strInvoiceId="{!InvoiceID}">
Step 5 : Need to create VF EMail Template
Setup>> Email Template>> New>> Visualforce Email Template
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Detail About Invoice" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Invoice__c">
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
Dear Sir/Madam<br/><br/>
Annexed please find your order invoice.<br/><br/>
• <b>Invoice Name </b>- {!relatedto.Name} <br/>
Please feel free for any other assistance.<br/><br/><br/>
Thank You<br/>
<messaging:attachment filename="Invoice.pdf" renderAs="pdf" >
<c:GenrateInvoiceComponent strInvoiceId="{!}" >
</c:GenrateInvoiceComponent >
Step 6: Create a Workflow and Chose condition when On Invoice object isSend == true then Send Email to ADmin user with Selected VF Email Template
Note: In case of any issue please feel free ask to me
Sumit Shukla
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