Get Longitude and Latitude from the Google Api
Requirement: To get longitude and latitude of address using google api in salesforce. When Account is insert/update if account has shipping address then auto fill latitude and longitude values Soloution >> You need to hit google api call. it is free you can call it easily Note>>1) Add end point URL in Remote site setting SetUp>> remoteSiteSetting>> AddURL: 2) Add two fields as a text type on Account object one is longitude and othe is latitude Longitude >> Longitude__c Latitude >> Latitude__c Step 1>> Need to Write trigger on Account Object You need to write two class and one trigger Class 1 /* This class is using for quering Billing address and call Google Map api and find the lattitue and long from API */ public class AccountGetBillingAdress { // toCheckFutueCall varibale is a boolean variable if it has alreday exist ...