Dynamic SOQL based on Sobject Name and Where Clause
public class DynamicSOQLUtil {
// Returns a dynamic SOQL statement for the whole object, based on object name and where clause as a dynamic
public static string getCreatableDynamicFieldsSOQL(String objectName, String whereClause){
String selects = '';
// Check whereclause if null then return null
if (whereClause == null || whereClause == ''){ return null; }
// Get a map of field name and sobject field
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> objFieldMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName.toLowerCase()).getDescribe().Fields.getMap();
list<string> selectFields = new list<string>();
if (objFieldMap != null){
for (Schema.SObjectField objFt : objFieldMap.values()){ // loop through all field tokens
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fd = objFt.getDescribe(); //field describe for each field
//if (fd.isCreateable()){ // if needed only add isCreateable field then check it is creatable
if (!selectFields.isEmpty()){
for (string s:selectFields){
selects += s + ',';
if (selects.endsWith(',')){selects = selects.substring(0,selects.lastIndexOf(','));}
return 'SELECT ' + selects + ' FROM ' + objectName + ' WHERE ' + whereClause;
// OutPut
string SQOL = DynamicSOQLUtil.getCreatableDynamicFieldsSOQL('Bank__C','DOB__c!=null');
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