In Schedule class run next job from configuration level

global class Schedularclassname implements Schedulable {

  global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {       

List<AsyncApexJob> jobs = new List<AsyncApexJob>();

Id thisClassId = [SELECT Id, Name FROM ApexClass WHERE name = 'BatchClassName' LIMIT 1].Id;

//Setup Custom Setting Schedular_Settings__c store the time and no of record process in batach class 

//Scheduled_Time__c  store time when next batch will run

//Schedular_Records__c add batch size how many record will process

Schedular_Settings__c objschedule = Schedular_Settings__c.getInstance('Schedular');

if(objschedule!=null && objschedule.Scheduled_Time__c != null && objschedule.Schedular_Records__c != null){

jobs = [select id from AsyncApexJob where (status = 'Processing' OR status = 'Holding' OR status = 'Queued' OR status = 'Preparing') AND ApexClassId = :thisClassId AND JobType = 'BatchApex'];

if(jobs == null  || jobs.size() == 0){

BatchClassName  objBatch = new BatchClassName();

ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(objBatch,Integer.valueOf(objschedule.Schedular_Records__c));}

DateTime nextRun =; 

String day = string.valueOf(;

String month = string.valueOf(nextRun.month());

String hour = string.valueOf(nextRun.hour());

String minute = string.valueOf(nextRun.minute());

String second = string.valueOf(nextRun.second());

String year = string.valueOf(nextRun.year());

String strJobName = 'XYZ JOB Name-' + second + '_' + minute + '_' + hour + '_' + day + '_' + month + '_' + year;

String strSchedule = '0 ' + minute + ' ' + hour + ' ' + day + ' ' + month + ' ?' + ' ' + year;

System.schedule(strJobName, strSchedule, new Schedularclassname());



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